Sometimes, do you ever think that the dog is better than man's best friend? True friendship is something that is rare. Finding a true friend is loyal and trustworthy is difficult. However, the real true friendship can be found from a dog. Since childhood, I was already familiar with the dog. Why? Because in my opinion, a friendship can be done not only among humans. However, humans with animals, especially dogs also can form a friendship that does not lose the friendship between people.
Although I also really want a dog like "Hachiko", but "Loyalty and Devotion" indicated my dog ​​is a natural instinct they have. I am a dog owner would appreciate loyalty, devotion, protection and regard it as their own family members. Instead, the dog considers humans as members of the group, not even distinguish at all positions of the owner.
The closeness of the owner with dog
At the end of this story, of course, as a dog owner you have a desire to be able to visit a monument to the "Hachiko" was, and so also with me. Dog is a true friend to the family. If you pay attention, caring, giving affection and warmth, they will get back many times over with devotion and loyalty. Believe in them, because dogs have a natural instinct to better understand our feelings