A few years ago we are often surprised by the actions of our
brothers. Our closest neighbor. Malaysia. Malaysia tourism ads are
packed show beautiful and attractive. Admitted as "Truly Asia". Some
cultures that we recognize as Indonesian culture, appearing on the site
and as Malaysia's tourism ads. Malaysia claims that culture even
Moluccan folk song that had the lyrics changed, as his own. Furious?
But what can we do? Only silence. Did not do anything for the
betterment of Indonesian tourism. Even our son worse by fighting among
nations. Eliminating wishes residents of other countries to visit
Indonesia. Even makes the world afraid to come here.
In addition, the trend of Indonesian people love with all things
foreign. Impression abroad will increase self-esteem in the eyes of
others. How proud person when able to go abroad. Whether in the context
of tasks or jobs or vacation or sightseeing.
When I finally set foot out of the country, I was surprised. Tourism
ads displayed with interesting so it was not as beautiful as it looks.
Indonesia is much more beautiful. On the way I meet someone who asks
origin. When I refer to Indonesia, he did not know him. Did not show
much interest at all. But when I mention one of the island's tourism
destination which is very famous, he even asked. "What are you doing
here ???" He asked me what I was doing there. According to the island is
very beautiful, so why would I even be very far from where I live. I
just laughed and said that I wanted to explore the world. Want to know
the world.
Currently I see the changing patterns of the streets of the
Indonesian people. Indonesian people used to love to visit abroad. Now
many scattered stories of travel within Indonesia. That means the level
of visits to the various regions has increased. I will not give data on
it. But I will remind you just how much the journey of the people
written about culture, scenery and culinary various regions of
Just look at the TV screen on Saturday and Sunday. So many events on
the cultural, scenic and culinary tourist areas in Indonesia. Sometimes
television also insert on the Indonesian culture in an event. Not Four
Eyes like the show I saw last night. Dayak Night. Not Four Eyes theme of
the show last night. Displaying Dayak culture. The event begins with a
very interesting dance Dayak. See also books published lately. Lots of
travel records when a person traveled to the area in Indonesia. One of
the interesting book is "The Naked Traveler". The book that evokes
desire and inspire others to tour. Although at a low cost. There is also
a book that contains a collection of stories from people who have a
unique experience when visiting the area. "The Journeys 2 - The story of
the beta homeland". There's even a special magazine contains about
tourist places and all things related to tourism activities. Magazine
"My Trip-Just pack and go" is published every 2.5 months. It made me
more passionate desire to visit various places in Indonesia.
Indonesia has thousands of islands. Indonesia also has diverse
cultures and languages. Cultures of various regions are not inferior
to the culture of other countries. Precisely the diverse Indonesian
culture is Indonesia's tourism capital. Indonesia is very beautiful
natural scenery and rich shades. Mountains, trees, forests, fields,
savannas, coastal, and ocean all in Indonesia.
In the past, I really like the cigarette ads. Not because those ads
display products. But more because it displays advertisement Indonesia
with a very good nature. Remember the ad "Bentoel"? Where the ads now? I
really miss him very much. I think why the Indonesian government can
not display ads on Indonesian tourism as good as it was?
Regardless of Indonesian tourism ad, now I am glad to see the
movement of tourism in Indonesia. Indonesian government began voicing
through the slogan "Wonderful Indonesia". Through the website www.indonesia.travel,
the government provides information about tourist destinations in
Indonesia. Bali is not only a tourist destination. But also other areas.
Indonesian Tourism squirm.
Unfortunately, this does not coincide with an increase in the quality
of the destination. There are still a lot of rubbish strewn. Less
terawatnya these sights. And the behavior of local residents against
poor travelers. This can cause people to not want to visit that area. If
only the government and society together would maintain, preserve,
maintain and develop the existing potential of the region, Indonesia
tourist necessarily be developed. Increasingly attracting foreign
tourists to visit and traveled to Indonesia.
Hopefully the government pay attention to the cultural treasures of
Indonesia. Indonesian tourism growing hope. If not ourselves who
appreciate, who else? Let, stimulate tourism in Indonesia!
Source Article : http://www.bubblews.com/news/8420978-indonesia-wonderful
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