Thursday, 9 October 2014

Review Conversations Sukarno with Daud Beureu'eh when deceiving the Aceh

Thursday, 9 October 2014 - by sohibcagok 0


Long before Homeland standing, Aceh Darussalam has sovereign as an independent kingdom and even becoming part of the Turkish Ottoman Caliphate. This is truly realized that he invited Sukarno and persuade Muslims of Aceh to want to join with the people of Indonesia against the Dutch colonialists.

During a visit to Aceh in 1948, Bung Karno deliberately see figure Aceh, Daud Beureueh. Bung Karno as President greets Daud Beureueh as "Kakanda (brother)" and there was dialogue that until now stored properly in the historical record:

President Sukarno: "I ask for help for the people of Aceh brother took part in the armed struggle that is now raging between Indonesia and the Netherlands to maintain the independence which we have proclaimed on August 17, 1945"

Daud Beureueh: "the President! We the people of Aceh was eager to be able to meet the President's request so long as we waged a war that will be in the form of Holy War or Fisabilillah war, a war to establish the religion of Allah so that if any of us were killed in the war then it means martyrdom. "
President Sukarno: "Brother! Indeed, what I mean is that such a war has been waged by the heroes of Aceh known as Tengku Cik Di Tiro and others, that the war is not familiar retreat, an independent war slogan or a martyr. "

Daud Beureueh: "Then two opinions we have met the President. Thus so-so I beg the President, that when the war was over later, to the people of Aceh are given the freedom to run the Islamic law in the region. "

President Sukarno: "Of that sister not to worry. Because 90% of the Indonesian people are Muslims. "
Daud Beureueh: "I'm sorry the President, if I had to say that it is not a guarantee for us. We wanted a word provisions of the President. "

President Sukarno: "If this is right, I agree with the request that brother."

Daud Beureueh: "Thank God. On behalf of the people of Aceh, I say thank you very much for the kindness of the President. We beg (handing me a piece of paper to the president) would willing to write the President a little over this paper. "

Listening to Daud Beureueh the Bung Karno directly sobbing. Tears were flowing been wetting his shirt. In a state of sobbing,

Sukarno said: "Brother! If so there is no need for me to be president. What's the point if it is not believed to be the president. "By remaining calm, Beureueh David replied," No we do not believe, Mr. President. But just to be a sign that we will show to the people of Aceh who we will invite to fight. "

Wiping her tears, Bung Karno vows and swear,

Bung Karno vowed: "Waallah Billah (By God), to the region of Aceh will be given the right to draw up their own household in accordance with Islamic Shari'a. And Waallah, I will use my influence to the Acehnese people can actually implement Islamic law in the region. Well, if the brother is still in doubt as well? "

Daud Beureueh replied: "I do not doubt the President. Once again, on behalf of the people of Aceh, I would like to thank you for the kindness of the President. "

In an interview conducted by M. Nur El Ibrahimy Daud Beureueh, Daud Beureueh states that saw Bung Karno sobbing, he no longer had the heart to insist on asking for a guarantee in black and white on the president's promises.

Soekarno vows the following year in 1948 the province of Aceh willing to serve as part of the Homeland. But in 1951, yet give dry lips, Aceh province was dissolved and merged with the central government of North Sumatra Province. 

Clearly, it provoke the people of Aceh. Ravaged Aceh after a long battle against the Dutch and then the Japanese, then drain and donate all of his wealth in order to maintain the existence of the Republic of Indonesia no strings attached, by the central government instead of the built and laid back even left dormant.

Not only that, the right to take care of themselves were eventually repealed. People's homes, boarding, menasah, and so were destroyed by the war against the invaders were left in ruins. Bung Karno was licking her own spit and betraying promises made in the name of Allah ucapkannya. This fact Acehnese regarded as an error that never forgiven. 

Mohammad Said, Author Book "Throughout Aceh Volume Second Century"

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