Therefore, Antivirus is very important to protect your laptop or computer from attacks of the disorder. However, using multiple antivirus was not a guarantee of your computer safe. Not a few viruses and sekawanannya entry was fitted with a safety despite antiviral. For that we must be smart in choosing antivirus to a laptop or computer, as found below.

Tips on choosing a laptop or computer antivirus for good:

1. Have a good detection capability
Laptop or computer users need to be more selective in choosing antivirus. Not all antivirus have the ability to cope with viruses or other malware. One to determine the ability of antivirus, can be done by looking at the license of the antivirus testing organizations. Choose a reputable antivirus with license and rekomended.

2. Lightly
Tips on choosing a laptop or computer antivirus to the next is to choose a lightweight antivirus. Adjust memory capacity, hard disk and processor of a laptop or computer. Never install antivirus heavy laptop state while we are inadequate, the computer will eventually slow and become uncomfortable.

3. Choose in accordance with the requirements
Choose the appropriate antivirus with no need to have a laptop. If you are a worker online, then choose a suitable antivirus with it. So also for those who frequently use your laptop for browsing the internet, downloading or gaming. By doing so, the use of antiviral more as needed.

4. Ease of Doing Update
Order to each time the virus is always popping up with different models. For that to update the antivirus often start from version to version of the next. For that reason in choosing antivirus sought ebaiknya easy to update.
In addition to some of these tips, of course, there are also several other ways that a person uses to choose an antivirus for a laptop or computer.