Apers +Divorce how to find her place opposite the +Mother when it was until then the first to manage the +Education
of +Children? Many of us choose to stay on this sphere of influence and
serve what is called "Canada Dry breast educational model." This form
of infantile submission to the mother also proves detrimental to the
final for the +Relationship between the +Parents
than for the child, tried to rush into the educational shortcomings of
his father ... It is essential to impose its own rules, and for that, to
return to his values, his personal history. This is an enrichment for
children. It discovers his father and mother in their differences,
whereas they were previously involved with the title of parents.
It is of course not always easy to deal with these feelings. Yet it
is essential to integrate the idea that being a parent is to be an
educator. It's not only play together and share the good times but also
take care of the duties, acquired values, and even punished if the need
arises. In any case the child should be led to believe that pleasure, it
is with such parent, and rigor, with the other.+Education
is a subject that must be discussed between the parents and, if
possible, with the child, so that they feel involved in setting the
rules. It is obviously crucial to never criticize the education provided
by the other parent to the child.
Are you involved in the education of your children or you consider that the mother is the only reposnsable?
Are you involved in the education of your children or you consider that the mother is the only reposnsable?
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