Hijab in the Quran
Meaning of hijab found in sura An-Nur which states: "Tell the men who
believe that their gaze and guard his cock; Such is purer for them,
surely Allah is Aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to
their gaze "(Qur'an 33: 59). Or sura Al-Ahzab which states: "O Prophet!
Say to your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers so
that they reached their veils. Thus they are more easily recognized so
that they are not disturbed. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful
"(Qur'an 33: 59).
Meaning & Functions of Hijab
Does every woman is obliged to cover the private parts? What every
woman should just behind the curtain, do not leave the house, not even
allowed to appear in public? And whether women and men should be in
contact and so on? Hijab in Islam is intended to limit between women and
men as well as protect from adultery. Hijab interpreted also to
maintain harmonious family, especially her husband. In Islam, any kind
of sexual pleasure is restricted only to the family, more precisely in
the bonds of marriage. This is clearly different from the Western world
with its free sexual lifestyle. The function of the hijab is as follows;
1) Hijab Soothes the Soul
Hijab can prevent someone from promiscuity. Most people who have a
rich desire to accumulate more wealth over and over again. It is just
like the one's sexual desire is endless. Islam requires women to cover
the private parts in order to protect himself. Women and men should not
glance at each other's eyes and gaze with lust. Control of excessive
desire and lust can soothe the human soul.
2) Hijab For Harmonization Family
Hijab can maintain family harmony. The intention is to retain only
the husband's sexual desire for his wife alone. In contrast to behavior
only assume that the other competitors, and as a mere sexual satiation.
3) Hijab Community to Increase Productivity
We often hear that women who wear hijab either destabilize the
economy and of society. Though the use of the hijab to restrict women
and men to fulfill their sexual desires in the work environment. Islam
does not prohibit women to appear in public especially in the world of
politics and business. Islamic women silent mengiginkan not take care of
their children and are not useful in the community.
4) Glorifying Authority Hijab Women
With the hijab, women look dignified. This is because the woman he
was kept shut and prevent private parts views and sexual desire to the
opposite sex. Just as ethical a visit at the time of the Prophet.
Prophet recommends that greet as many as three times in a visit and if
there is no answer we get back. In the application of the hijab, women
in the home is not to be seen by people of the opposite sex. Women and
men faced with the gaze and keep his cock from adultery.
Why Should Wear Hijab?
a) Philosophical Reasons
The use of the hijab in ancient times regarded as asceticism,
understand that practicing simplicity and leave the affairs of the
world. It is the same with their respective ideologies Christian priest
or monk who did not receive the pleasures of the world given by God even
on women. In fact, Allah through the Prophet. ordered to get along with
his wives. If it is His command, then the wife is having sex with
worship reap the reward of his hand.
b) Social Reasons
Hijab also maintain the security of women. As in ancient times women
hijab and kept in harems. In view of the Islamic hijab protects women's
safety, including the threat of one.
c) Economic Reasons
That occurred in ancient times may even still exist today are
imprisoned women, taking care of her children, and just doing homework
given by her husband. Whereas in Islam does not teach that. Islam does
not forbid women to regulate economic activities such as working or
doing something without coercion.
d) Reason Ethics
In the past, the application of the hijab in public reason is men
dominating women. Examples such as the application of the wife and the
veil of procedures performed by their husbands because they are jealous
when his wife was seen by another man. Whereas in Islam should not be
so. In Islam, passion and jealousy are different. Jealousy is individual
and universal passion. Hijab is said to protect the ethical universal
factor earlier; passion. Not just individually factors like jealousy.
e) Psychological Reasons
In ancient times when women have visitors monthly or menstrual woman
said to be dirty and should not be hanging out with them. This certainly
affects the psychological impact of women in which he was ashamed to
appear in the community. Though in this case there is no Islam at all.
Women who are menstruating should hang out with anybody unless he is
having a husband and wife. In the Qur'an also explained, "They ask you
about menstruation. Say, 'Menstrual it is dirt. Because it should not
have intercourse with a woman at the time until they are holy (Qur'an 2:
Islamic view of gaze Men and Women
1) It is Prohibited
Jewelry is used by women such as rings or bracelets. In Islam may be
limited to the hands and face stared. Watch real woman is nakedness. And
the best of jewelry is that it has lawful possession, that is her
husband. What should men view women? In Islam forbidden to look with
lust. This will lead to immoral dikhwatirkan. That allowed only her
2) The Permitted
The face and hands of women are not required to be closed, either in
the Qur'an or hadith. Women's voices would be heard by the men during
the sound was normal and not cause sexual desire. Handshake between men
and women are not unrelated certainly much less prohibited by squeezing
her hand. Another case when looked at with a view to woo. This would be
done so that no one in choosing a wife. As the words of the Prophet. to
look at the candidate prior to woo, then newly married so do not regret
it later.
Facilitate Islamic
As the name suggests, Islam is the way of salvation. Islam exists to
enable people, both women and men from the streets hard again
misleading. Islam was present as a middle way between the western
lifestyle of casual sex and conservatism indigenous closed. Thus, Islam
allows women to leave the house and social activism as men as long as
they keep the private parts with hijab. Prophet. very concerned about
the rights of women. He Saw. always split between men and women as well
as the restrictions are reasonable and fundamental in Islam. Hopefully
this summary of the hijab helpful and expand our view of the hijab.
Source Article : http://www.bubblews.com/news/8597896-simple-hijab-tutorial
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