Aceh is one of the regions in Indonesia which has a traditional dance art attractive and popular, it shows the creativity of the nation in Aceh, although far from the capital and is one of the regions directly adjacent to the end of another State.
Aaceh or known as Nangro Aceh Darussalam, have the distinctive culture and art, so this has become one of the main attraction is the value of tourism in Aceh. Dance in Aceh can be presented as a package, because the available human resources creative here truly understand and fond of art Acehnese. It is also supported by dance players who want to learn didikasi full earnest for the purposes of presenting the cultural tour packages.
Of the various cultures that exist in Aceh, dance is one of the very popular culture of this region is capable of representing eksisteni art in the country, not only that, the art of dance from Aceh often performed in various foreign territories. This owned cultural arts into packets which are very interesting because they show khasannya to separate, the manufacturing processes requires the ability to aesthetics and view of the future are in accordance with the ideal foundation of society and do not deviate from personality traits Aceh Islamic community and not save from the spirit of Islam and this is clearly seen in a variety of dances, both Sedati saman, whistle, Ranup Lampuan and other traditional taraian.
Dance from Aceh, among others, as follows:
1. Saman Dance
Saman dance was created and developed by an Islamic leader named Sheikh Saman, he created a poem using the Arabic language and the language of Aceh with accompaniment -gerakan hand movement and chanted poetry makes seuasana perk, chest movement pat, pat on the knee, hand picked by turns with movement and speed matching become his trademark cherry.
2 Dance Laweut
Laweut derived from the word Seulawet, flattery on Prophet Muhammad dedicate this dance by eight women who are also called Seudati procession. Dance is in use to convey messages in religious education and development.
3 Tarek Dance trawl
This dance is a dance based on the life of Aceh coastal fishing nets that make a "trawl" and catching fish with nets on the high seas. Exciting atmosphere with the hope of getting a fish trawler that much hard work is expressed in a spirit of joyous da occasional audible squeal sea handler.
This dance is a dance based on the life of Aceh coastal fishing nets that make a "trawl" and catching fish with nets on the high seas. Exciting atmosphere with the hope of getting a fish trawler that much hard work is expressed in a spirit of joyous da occasional audible squeal sea handler.
4. Dance Cangklak
Dance memgemalisasikan beautiful women graceful, energetic and a little flirtatious with a variety of accessories that are used in surround graceful curves, as well as complementary fashion that is always used and indetik with women such as umbrellas, fans, handkerchiefs, a fusion of movement and dance behavior in Aceh with Malay dances typical of the area east of Aceh.
Dance memgemalisasikan beautiful women graceful, energetic and a little flirtatious with a variety of accessories that are used in surround graceful curves, as well as complementary fashion that is always used and indetik with women such as umbrellas, fans, handkerchiefs, a fusion of movement and dance behavior in Aceh with Malay dances typical of the area east of Aceh.
5. Dance Meusago
Meusago here defined angle, angular and tipped so complete problems in face and worship of man with man, faced with a variety of life and worship or relationship with God, idea filmed this dance as syimbol mutual cooperation and brotherhood is a form of unity, one fan stuff meaningful but menakala simultaneously describe d be a benefit for life.
Meusago here defined angle, angular and tipped so complete problems in face and worship of man with man, faced with a variety of life and worship or relationship with God, idea filmed this dance as syimbol mutual cooperation and brotherhood is a form of unity, one fan stuff meaningful but menakala simultaneously describe d be a benefit for life.
6. Rapai Daboh
Rapai Daboh is an arcade game or immunity. Daboh Rapai game consists of a sheikh, who was called "Caliph", some drummers tambourine (Rapai), and some players dagger or other sharp weapon, at which time they were beating the tambourine while singing the hit rapainya certain songs continued to stab-stabbing members bodies with like hell, sometimes rencongnya be bent, which in turn is under the leadership / supervision caliph. What body because they are not eaten weapon, according to them this is because of a belief that the ruling only the Creator (God) while being equally powerless; finished iron and human beings were creatures. At the time Rapai drummers were beating the tambourine like hell, then the players rencong focus all his thoughts on the above beliefs, must by no means swayed, and if rocking arms must be eating their bodies.
Rapai Daboh is an arcade game or immunity. Daboh Rapai game consists of a sheikh, who was called "Caliph", some drummers tambourine (Rapai), and some players dagger or other sharp weapon, at which time they were beating the tambourine while singing the hit rapainya certain songs continued to stab-stabbing members bodies with like hell, sometimes rencongnya be bent, which in turn is under the leadership / supervision caliph. What body because they are not eaten weapon, according to them this is because of a belief that the ruling only the Creator (God) while being equally powerless; finished iron and human beings were creatures. At the time Rapai drummers were beating the tambourine like hell, then the players rencong focus all his thoughts on the above beliefs, must by no means swayed, and if rocking arms must be eating their bodies.
7 Dance Seudati
Seudati sound is a combination of art and dance. Seudati art is a type of art that was created after the Aceh Islamic community stands that serve as propaganda and entertainment. Seudati also named Saman derived from the Arabic word which means eight. So-called warrant because the players consists of eight members, namely Sheikh and his aides dressed in uniform, which is black or white trousers pants, long-sleeved white shirt, at the head of the dancers wear tangkulok.
Seudati sound is a combination of art and dance. Seudati art is a type of art that was created after the Aceh Islamic community stands that serve as propaganda and entertainment. Seudati also named Saman derived from the Arabic word which means eight. So-called warrant because the players consists of eight members, namely Sheikh and his aides dressed in uniform, which is black or white trousers pants, long-sleeved white shirt, at the head of the dancers wear tangkulok.
8. Dance Rapai Geleng
Rapai is a type of tambourine that is usually used to accompany a song or dance. Rapai game has been developed and accompanied with songs and a wide variety of beautiful catwalk. This is a breakthrough appearance of a new dance called "Rapai Geleng". This dance is played by 11 to 12 people and each of them plays a dancer Rapai (small tambourine). Rapai while playing and singing the song, they perform a wide range of body motion, namely the hand, head, and others. Movement of the dancers is almost the same with the Saman dance but using Rapai. This dance is also very enjoyable and fun.
Rapai is a type of tambourine that is usually used to accompany a song or dance. Rapai game has been developed and accompanied with songs and a wide variety of beautiful catwalk. This is a breakthrough appearance of a new dance called "Rapai Geleng". This dance is played by 11 to 12 people and each of them plays a dancer Rapai (small tambourine). Rapai while playing and singing the song, they perform a wide range of body motion, namely the hand, head, and others. Movement of the dancers is almost the same with the Saman dance but using Rapai. This dance is also very enjoyable and fun.
9. Dance Meuseukat
Meuseukat dance is very pupuler dance from Aceh district. South Aceh. This dance is played by 10 or 12 dancers and 2 singers. Especially for women to take positions by sitting / kneeling in a row and makes a gesture with his hands and head. Chant which contains praise or prayer that begins with slow motion to fast motion.
Meuseukat dance is very pupuler dance from Aceh district. South Aceh. This dance is played by 10 or 12 dancers and 2 singers. Especially for women to take positions by sitting / kneeling in a row and makes a gesture with his hands and head. Chant which contains praise or prayer that begins with slow motion to fast motion.
10. Dance Ranub Lampuan
Lampuan Ranub very famous dance in Aceh. This dance is usually played to welcome distinguished guests and officials who visited Aceh. This dance is also displayed on special occasions, such as the event Preh Linto, Tueng Dara Baro. This dance is played by seven female dancers and accompanied by traditional musical instruments Seurunee Kalee. Dancer hands holding Cerana or Puan that which contains betel (ranub) which will be given to guests as a sign of glory for his guests. Dance Dance Ranub Lampuan composition of Aceh.
Lampuan Ranub very famous dance in Aceh. This dance is usually played to welcome distinguished guests and officials who visited Aceh. This dance is also displayed on special occasions, such as the event Preh Linto, Tueng Dara Baro. This dance is played by seven female dancers and accompanied by traditional musical instruments Seurunee Kalee. Dancer hands holding Cerana or Puan that which contains betel (ranub) which will be given to guests as a sign of glory for his guests. Dance Dance Ranub Lampuan composition of Aceh.
11. Dance Likok Pulo
Likok Pulo dance today has become one of the compulsory dance for school students in Banda Aceh as art subjects local content. Because at the end of the year l980an fate of this dance is almost extinct and re-introduced in PKA Pkan Culture AcehIII years l988 to already developed and popular among the people. The origin of this dance developed in the South in the region of the Great Pulo Pulo Aceh cluster of Aceh Besar district, about 30 miles from the City dararatan
Banda Aceh. So this dance is also known as Pulo Aceh Likok. This dance as a medium for the development of future propagation of Islam in Aceh sultanate era created by the Ulama of Arab immigrants who settled in the village of Ulee Paya performed by 12 male dancers kneeling meeting while sitting shoulder to shoulder, with a parallel position. In the village of Ulee Paya first performed on the beach on the sand as her stage and only the title of a piece of palm leaf or pandanus mats and performed at night as the entertainment of the people while preaching. This dance is usually performed Puluk start 21:00 pm until dawn. Likok Pulo dance composition begins with a nod of the head movement and hand greetings are interspersed hip movement. Each dance rhythms and alternating stretches to the left and to the right while chanting verses of praise to the Creator who is accompanied by music and a vocalist singing poetic Rapai Aceh.
Likok Pulo dance today has become one of the compulsory dance for school students in Banda Aceh as art subjects local content. Because at the end of the year l980an fate of this dance is almost extinct and re-introduced in PKA Pkan Culture AcehIII years l988 to already developed and popular among the people. The origin of this dance developed in the South in the region of the Great Pulo Pulo Aceh cluster of Aceh Besar district, about 30 miles from the City dararatan
Banda Aceh. So this dance is also known as Pulo Aceh Likok. This dance as a medium for the development of future propagation of Islam in Aceh sultanate era created by the Ulama of Arab immigrants who settled in the village of Ulee Paya performed by 12 male dancers kneeling meeting while sitting shoulder to shoulder, with a parallel position. In the village of Ulee Paya first performed on the beach on the sand as her stage and only the title of a piece of palm leaf or pandanus mats and performed at night as the entertainment of the people while preaching. This dance is usually performed Puluk start 21:00 pm until dawn. Likok Pulo dance composition begins with a nod of the head movement and hand greetings are interspersed hip movement. Each dance rhythms and alternating stretches to the left and to the right while chanting verses of praise to the Creator who is accompanied by music and a vocalist singing poetic Rapai Aceh.
That's some Traditional Dance from Aceh Region, and many other traditional dance of Aceh who have admin to say, hopefully there is a traditional dance that is not currently lerlupakn, remain stable in this country.
Source Article : http://www.bubblews.com/news/9337303-aceh-traditional-dance
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