Thursday, 9 October 2014

Book "Aceh in the World Eye" by Tengku Hasan Muhammad di Tiro

Thursday, 9 October 2014 - by sohibcagok 0


"After a great war with the Netherlands, which began in 1873 and completed in 1937, there was no one else who lives Atjeh leader, because all chose martyrdom in battle than live a slave to the Netherlands. Exemplary of this is given to us as a grandson, is an absolute that can not be denied and no need to wait for an answer from us ... "

That is, among others, a fragment of a sentence in the preface to the book "Eyes of Aceh in the World" written by Tengku Hasan Muhammad di Tiro, GAM key figures who died on June 3, 2010 Today, Hasan Tiro phenomenal work again brought to the surface to look back trace and brilliant ideas in the history of political upheaval in Aceh.

Among the many books written Hasan Tiro, "Aceh in the Eyes of the World" is one of the works that are still little known, because it is written the proclaimer GAM in the Aceh language with the title; "Aceh Bak Eyes Donya"

Then the last paragraph at the beginning of his introduction, Hasan Tiro writes;

"By knowing what" Atjeh in the Eyes of the World "and as what other nations around the world see the Acehnese, then this knowledge into a solution for our generation to see and Aceh now sees itself as a noble nation that knows how to reach live noble and honorable death in maintaining national pride. Likewise, Aceh can rebuild what has been destroyed and restore that which was lost "

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