Indeed, plants with names durian is not a species but a single group
of plants of the genus Durio . [1] However, the meaning of durian
(without any additive) usually is Durio zibethinus. The types of durian
other edible and are sometimes found in the host market
Spreading [ edit source ]
Durian diversity center is the island of Borneo . Surrounding areas also have the some durian germplasm, such as Mindanao, Sumatra, and the Malay Peninsula although not semelimpah Kalimlantan. Nevertheless, the main exporter is Thailand's durian, which is able to develop cultivars with high quality and good cultivation system. Another place that cultivated durian with export orientation is Mindanao in the Philippines , Queensland in Australia , Cambodia , Laos , Vietnam , India , and Sri Lanka .
Durian diversity center is the island of Borneo . Surrounding areas also have the some durian germplasm, such as Mindanao, Sumatra, and the Malay Peninsula although not semelimpah Kalimlantan. Nevertheless, the main exporter is Thailand's durian, which is able to develop cultivars with high quality and good cultivation system. Another place that cultivated durian with export orientation is Mindanao in the Philippines , Queensland in Australia , Cambodia , Laos , Vietnam , India , and Sri Lanka .
In the Philippines, the center of durian producer is in the Davao
area on the island of Mindanao . Kadayawan Festival is an annual
celebration for durian in Davao City.
Pemerian morphology [ edit source ]
Tree annual , perennial green (depending on the season defoliation not) but there are certain times to grow new leaves (or peronaan flushing period) that occurred after the fruiting period is completed. High growth can reach a height of 25-50 m depending on the species, [3] durian trees often have buttress roots (root board). bark (bark) reddish brown, irregular flaking. canopies shade and tenuous.
Tree annual , perennial green (depending on the season defoliation not) but there are certain times to grow new leaves (or peronaan flushing period) that occurred after the fruiting period is completed. High growth can reach a height of 25-50 m depending on the species, [3] durian trees often have buttress roots (root board). bark (bark) reddish brown, irregular flaking. canopies shade and tenuous.
Leaves elliptic to oblong, 10-15 (-17) cm × 3 to 4.5 (-12.5) cm;
located alternate; stemmed; stem taper or blunt and pointy toes sloping;
bright green upper side, lower side covered by scales colored silver or
golden star with feathers. [4]
Flowers (also his) comes directly from the stem (cauliflorous) or old branches at the base (proximal), clustered within
Durian Fruit
essay contains shaped florets 3-10 skein or average panicle. Flower buds rounded, about 2 cm in diameter, long-stemmed. Petals form a tube along lk. 3 cm, leaf petals divided into 2-3 lobes additional round eggs. Crown shape spatula , approximately 2 × length of petals, totaling 5 strands, whitish. Yarns juice a lot, divided into 5 files; head stigma hump shape, with a hairy stem. [4] flower buds emerge from dormant , blooms in late afternoon and last up to several days. During the day the flower closes. The flowers spread fragrance derived from glandular nectar at the base to attract bats as primary pollinators. [5] Studies in Malaysia in the 1970s showed that pollinators are bats Eonycteris spelaea durian. 1996 study further shows that other animals, such as birds and bees honey Nectariniidae participate in pollination of durian three other relatives. [3] [6]
essay contains shaped florets 3-10 skein or average panicle. Flower buds rounded, about 2 cm in diameter, long-stemmed. Petals form a tube along lk. 3 cm, leaf petals divided into 2-3 lobes additional round eggs. Crown shape spatula , approximately 2 × length of petals, totaling 5 strands, whitish. Yarns juice a lot, divided into 5 files; head stigma hump shape, with a hairy stem. [4] flower buds emerge from dormant , blooms in late afternoon and last up to several days. During the day the flower closes. The flowers spread fragrance derived from glandular nectar at the base to attract bats as primary pollinators. [5] Studies in Malaysia in the 1970s showed that pollinators are bats Eonycteris spelaea durian. 1996 study further shows that other animals, such as birds and bees honey Nectariniidae participate in pollination of durian three other relatives. [3] [6]
Durian flowers, straight out of the trunk / branches in groups
Fruit durian type air capsule form spherical , ovoid to oblong , with a length of 25 cm and a diameter of up to 20 cm. [4] The skin of his thick, angular surface ("spiked", because it's called a "durian", although this is not a thorn in terms of botany ), green yellowish, brownish, greyish up.
Fruit durian type air capsule form spherical , ovoid to oblong , with a length of 25 cm and a diameter of up to 20 cm. [4] The skin of his thick, angular surface ("spiked", because it's called a "durian", although this is not a thorn in terms of botany ), green yellowish, brownish, greyish up.
The fruit develops after fertilization and requires 4-6 months for
ripening. During the competition antarbuah ripening occurred in the
group, so that only one or a few pieces that would reach maturity, and
the rest fall. The fruit will fall over themselves when ripe. In
general, the weight of the durian fruit can reach 1.5 to 5 kilograms ,
so the garden durian into dangerous areas during durian season. If it
falls over someone's head, durian can cause serious injury or even
Each fruit has five spaces (laymen call "rooms"), which indicates the
number of leaf pieces owned. Each room is filled with some of the seeds
, usually three or more items, tapering to 4 cm in length, brownish
pink and shiny. Seeds encased by arilus ( coated seeds , commonly
referred to as "meat fruit" durian) white to light yellow with varying
thickness, but the cultivars superior arilus can reach a thickness of 3
cm. Seeds with seeds coated in the trade is called ponggè. Breeding
durian directed to produce small seeds with a thick-coated seeds, coated
seeds because this is the edible part. Some high yielding varieties
produce fruit with seeds that are not developed yet with a thick-coated
Source Article : http://www.bubblews.com/news/8519300-create-tool-peelers-durian
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