Since the Declaration of Independence, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has not established systemic to this district. At first Lhokseumawe combined with bestuurders Van Cunda. Population on land is more crowded coming from surrounding areas such as Buloh Blang Ara, Matangkuli, Blang Jruen, Lhoksukon, Nisam, cunda and Pidie.
In 1956 the Emergency Law No. 7 of 1956, the autonomous regions formed districts within the region of North Sumatra province, where one of them is the North Aceh district with its capital Lhokseumawe.
Then In 1964 the Decree of the Governor of Aceh Special Region No. 34 / GA / 1964 dated 30 November 1964, it was determined that Kemukiman Banda Sakti in Muara Dua, the District made its own by the name of the District Banda Sakti.
Based on the Act No. 5 of 1974 on the Fundamentals of Regional Government, Lhokseumawe be likely to improve the status of the Administrative City, on August 14, 1986 with the Regional Regulation No. 32 Year 1986 Establishment of the City of Lhokseumawe signed by President Suharto, which was inaugurated by the Minister of Roestam Soeparjo country on August 31, 1987 With these conditions, the de jure and de facto Lhokseumawe has become the City of 253.87 km ² and an area covering 101 villages and 6 urban villages in five districts namely: District of Banda Sakti, Muara Dua, District Dewantara, Muara Batu, and the District of Blang Mangat.
Since 1988 the idea of improving the status of municipalities began Kotif Lhokseumawe be pursued so that he went on to Law No. 2 of 2001 on the Establishment of Lhokseumawe dated June 21, 2001 signed by the President of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid, whose territory includes the three districts, namely: District of Banda Sakti, Muara Dua , and the District of Blang Mangat.
In 2006 the two districts Mura was divided into two and Muara Muara The number of districts in the city so Lhokseumawe into four districts.
+Bubblews +Bubbling +LhokseumaweCity +Independence +Aceh
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